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Adventures in Raspberry Pi de Carrie Anne Philbin

Descripci贸n - Rese帽a del editor Build cool Raspberry Pi projects with no experience required! Adventures in Raspberry Pi, 3rd Edition is the fun guide to learning programming. Starting from the very basics and building skill upon skill, you'll learn developing fundamentals even if you've never programmed before. Learning is exciting when you're working your way through cool projects, but the concepts you learn and the skills you master will take you further than you ever thought possible. You'll learn how your Raspberry Pi 3 works and what it can do as you create stories and games, program shapes, code music, and even build Minecraft worlds with projects designed specifically for kids 11 to 15. Author Carrie Anne Philbin is a former high school teacher, and she showcases her skills with clear, easy to follow instructions and explanations every step of the way. If you're interested in programming but find other books hard to understand, this book is your ideal starting point for mastering the Raspberry Pi. Inexpensive, non-intimidating, yet surprisingly versatile, the Raspberry Pi 3 is an ideal way to learn programming. Updated to align with the newest board, this book will teach you fundamental programming skills while having a ton of fun! * Get acquainted with your Raspberry Pi's bits and pieces * Take control of your Pi's 'insides' with simple commands * Program games, code music, and build a jukebox * Discover where your new skills can take you next The tiny, credit-card sized Raspberry Pi has become a huge hit among kids and adults interested in programming. It does everything your desktop can do, but with a few basic programming skills, you can make it do so much more. With simple instructions, fun projects, and solid skills, Adventures in Raspberry Pi is the ultimate kids' programming guide! Contraportada Makes learning to program fun and easy with 10 super-cool projects Even if you've never had a lick of programing experience, or you aren't even sure what it's really all about, with Adventures in Raspberry Pi, you'll quickly and easily absorb programming concepts and skills that will take you far. You'll build skill on skill as you create stories and games, program shapes, code music, and even build whole Minecraft worlds. High school teacher Carrie Anne Philbin guides you each step of the way with clear, easy-to-follow instructions and explanations. Each project is accompanied by an entertaining instructional video, available on a companion website. Updated for the latest Raspberry Pi version and featuring even more projects than previous editions, this edition of the internationally bestselling guide shows you everything you need to: Get started with your Raspberry Pi Write your first programs in the Scratch and Python® programming languages Draw shapes and designs with Turtle Graphics Use cool developer tools such as Minecraft® Pi and Sonic Pi v2.0 Interact with and create transporters in a Minecraft world Compose and play electronic music Design and create your own role-playing game Learn basic electronics, starting with a marshmallow-powered button Build a Raspberry Pi jukebox Experiment with accessories like the Picamera or SenseHAT Raspberry Pi and the Raspberry Pi logo are registered trademarks of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Visit for video instruction that further explains and illustrates each chapter. Biograf铆a del autor Carrie Anne Philbin is an award-winning Computing & Raspberry Pi Educator. Currently working as Director of Education at the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Carrie Anne also hosts a Computer Science series on popular YouTube channel Crash Course (http: // and creates technology tutorials on her own channel the Geek Gurl Diaries (

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Adventures in Raspberry Pi
  • Autor: Carrie Anne Philbin
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Ordenadores y tecnolog铆a
  • Tama帽o del archivo: 12 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 637 times
  • Idioma: Espa帽ol
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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